% Signal to Background of Continuous Real-Time TR-FRET Parkin titration (autoubiquitination): Serial dilutions of Parkin W403A from 50nM to 3.125nM and 300nM wt Parkin were mixed with UBA1, UBE2D3 and trf-Ub (pS65) mix. Reactions were initiated wit
% Signal to Background of Continuous Real-Time TR-FRET Parkin titration (autoubiquitination): Serial dilutions of Parkin W403A from 50nM to 3.125nM and 300nM wt Parkin were mixed with UBA1, UBE2D3 and trf-Ub (pS65) mix. Reactions were initiated wit
% Signal to Background of Continuous Real-Time TR-FRET Parkin titration (autoubiquitination): Serial dilutions of Parkin W403A from 50nM to 3.125nM and 300nM wt Parkin were mixed with UBA1, UBE2D3 and trf-Ub (pS65) mix. Reactions were initiated wit

20S Immunoproteasome Assay Kit

Research Use Only
South Bay Bio
Product group Chemicals
€ 820,00
1 kit
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  • Supplier
    South Bay Bio
  • Product Name
    20S Immunoproteasome Assay Kit
  • Delivery Days Customer
  • Certification
    Research Use Only
  • Scientific Description
    South Bay Bios kit is designed to test for specific activity of 20S immunoproteasome. The kit provides purified 20S immunoproteasome and is designed to test for Chymotrypsin-like activity (Suc-LLVY-AMC) and Caspase-like activity of the immunoproteasome subunits beta1i/ PSMB9 (PAL-AMC) and beta5i/PSMB8 (ANW-AMC). Additionally, the compound, ONX-0914, which can be used to inhibit specifically the subunit beta5i/LMP7 20S immunoproteasome is included. All peptide substrates are conjugated to AMC, which upon proteasome catalyzed hydrolyses display fluorescence at Excitation=345nm, Emission= 445nm; allowing for a real-time read out of 20S immunoproteasome specific activity.
  • Storage Instruction