Chemical Structure
Chemical Structure
Chemical Structure

3-Methyladenine [5142-23-4]

Research Use Only
AdipoGen Life Sciences
CAS Number5142-23-4
Product group Chemicals
Estimated Purity>98%
Molecular Weight149.2
Price on request
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  • Supplier
    AdipoGen Life Sciences
  • Product Name
    3-Methyladenine [5142-23-4]
  • Delivery Days Customer
  • CAS Number
  • Certification
    Research Use Only
  • Estimated Purity
  • Molecular Formula
  • Molecular Weight
  • Scientific Description
    Chemical. CAS: 5142-23-4. Formula: C6H7N5. MW: 149.2. Potent cell permeable and selective inhibitor of phosphatidyl-inositol 3-kinase (PI3K). Blocks class I, class II and class III PI3Ks, including some downstream targets. Blocks class I PI3K persistently and class III PI3K transiently. Induces autophagy under nutrient-rich conditions and inhibits starvation-induced autophagy due to differential effects on class I versus class III PI3 kinase. Shows some limited Vps34 preference in vitro compared to PtdIns3Kgamma. However, it is typically employed in cellular studies at a concentration of 10 mM, which can inhibit all PtdIns3Ks. Can target other kinases and affect other cellular processes, such as glycogen metabolism, lysosomal acidification, endocytosis and mitochondrial permeability transition. Anticancer compound. Neuroprotective. PKA-activation dependent lipolytic agent. Enhances ATGL-dependent hydrolysis of triacylglycerols. - Potent cell permeable and selective inhibitor of phosphatidyl-inositol 3-kinase (PI3K) [1, 7, 8]. Blocks class I, class II and class III PI3Ks, including some downstream targets [8]. Blocks class I PI3K persistently and class III PI3K transiently [7]. Induces autophagy under nutrient-rich conditions and inhibits starvation-induced autophagy due to differential effects on class I versus class III PI3 kinase [5, 7]. Shows some limited Vps34 preference in vitro compared to PtdIns3Kgamma. However, it is typically employed in cellular studies at a concentration of 10 mM, which can inhibit all PtdIns3Ks [8]. Can target other kinases and affect other cellular processes, such as glycogen metabolism, lysosomal acidification, endocytosis and mitochondrial permeability transition [2-4]. Anticancer compound [6, 10, 12]. Neuroprotective [9, 11]. PKA-activation dependent lipolytic agent. Enhances ATGL-dependent hydrolysis of triacylglycerols [13].
  • Storage Instruction
    2°C to 8°C,-20°C


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  • 3-Methyladenine, an inhibitor of autophagy, has multiple effects on metabolism: L.H. Caro, et al.; Eur. J. Biochem. 175, 325 (1988)
  • 3-Methyladenine inhibits transport from late endosomes to lysosomes in cultured rat and mouse fibroblasts: E.L. Punnonen, et al.; Eur. J. Cell Biol. 65, 14 (1994)
  • Inhibition of mitochondrial permeability transition and release of cytochrome c by anti-apoptotic nucleoside analogues: L. Xue, et al.; Biochem. Pharmacol. 64, 441 (2002)
  • 3-methyladenine inhibits autophagy in tobacco culture cells under sucrose starvation conditions: C. Takatsuka, et al.; Plant Cell Physiol. 45, 265 (2004)
  • 3-Methyladenine suppresses cell migration and invasion of HT1080 fibrosarcoma cells through inhibiting phosphoinositide 3-kinases independently of autophagy inhibition: S. Ito, et al.; Int. J. Oncol. 31, 261 (2007)
  • Dual role of 3-methyladenine in modulation of autophagy via different temporal patterns of inhibition on class I and III phosphoinositide 3-kinase: Y.T. Wu, et al.; J. Biol. Chem. 285, 10850 (2010)
  • Finding a fitting shoe for Cinderella: searching for an autophagy inhibitor: S. Miller, et al.; Autophagy 6, 805 (2010)
  • Severe global cerebral ischemia-induced programmed necrosis of hippocampal CA1 neurons in rat is prevented by 3-methyladenine: a widely used inhibitor of autophagy: J.Y. Wang, et al.; J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol. 70, 314 (2011)
  • Inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinases promote mitotic cell death in HeLa cells: H. Hou, et al.; PLoS One 7, e35665 (2012)