Reporter activation in Androgen Luciferase Reporter 22RV1 Cell Line in response to 5-DHT.
Reporter activation in Androgen Luciferase Reporter 22RV1 Cell Line in response to 5-DHT.
Reporter activation in Androgen Luciferase Reporter 22RV1 Cell Line in response to 5-DHT.

Androgen Luciferase Reporter 22RV1 Cell Line

Research Use Only
BPS Bioscience
Product group (Cell) Culture
Price on request
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  • Supplier
    BPS Bioscience
  • Product Name
    Androgen Luciferase Reporter 22RV1 Cell Line
  • Delivery Days Customer
  • Certification
    Research Use Only
  • Scientific Description
    Androgen Luciferase Reporter 22RV1 Cell Line is a human 22Rv1 cell line with a stably integrated Firefly luciferase reporter under the control of an androgen response element. This cell line monitors the activity of the androgen receptor signaling pathway. This cell line has been validated in cellular assays involving the inhibition of 5alpha-Dihydrotestosterone (5-DHT)-induced reporter activation by AR (androgen receptor) antagonists such as Enzalutamide, Bicalutamide, Mifepristone and ARCC-4.
  • Storage Instruction
    Liquid Nitrogen