Click Chemistry
Product group Chemicals
Estimated Purity≥ 90% (HPLC)
Molecular WeightTheoretical MW: 458.43 g/mol; Detected MW: 458.12 g/mol
- SizePrice
Product group Chemicals
CAS Number1564286-24-3
Estimated Purity≥ 90% (HPLC)
Molecular WeightTheoretical MW: 1009.22 g/mol (free acid); Detected MW: 1008.31 g/mol (free acid)
- SizePrice
Product group Chemicals
CAS Number1782950-79-1
Estimated Purity≥ 90% (HPLC)
Molecular WeightTheoretical MW: 983.18 g/mol (free acid); Detected MW: 982.30 g/mol (free acid)
- SizePrice
Product group Chemicals
CuSO4 - click chemistry gradeORB532416
CAS Number7758-98-7, 7758-99-8
Molecular WeightTheoretical MW: 159.61 g/mol
- SizePrice
Product group Chemicals
5-Ethynyl-dUTP (5-EdUTP)ORB532423
Estimated Purity≥95%
Molecular WeightTheoretical MW: 492.16 g/mol (free acid); Detected MW: 491.97 g/mol (free acid)
- SizePrice
Product group Chemicals
5-Ethynyl-UTP (5-EUTP)ORB532424
Estimated Purity≥95%
Molecular WeightTheoretical MW: 508.16 g/mol (free acid); Detected MW: 507.97 g/mol (free acid)
- SizePrice
Product group Chemicals
28-demethyl -beta-amyroneORB421567
CAS Number73493-60-4
Molecular Weight410.686
- SizePrice
Product group Chemicals
CAS Number29550-13-8
Molecular Weight284.267
- SizePrice
Product group Chemicals
8-(Methylsulfinyl)octyl NitrileORB652029
Estimated Purity≥98%
Molecular Weight187.3
- SizePrice
Product group Chemicals
CAS Number57817-66-0
Estimated Purity≥95%
Molecular WeightTheoretical MW: 457.23 g/mol (free acid); Detected MW: 457.04 g/mol (free acid)
- SizePrice
Product group Chemicals
Clasto-lactacystin b-lactoneORB340656
CAS Number155975-72-7
Estimated Purity>98%
- SizePrice
Product group Chemicals
1-Methyl-7-nitroisatoic anhydrideORB341576
CAS Number73043-80-8
Molecular Weight222.15
- SizePrice
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