Western blot using GeneTexs affinity purified anti-Cripto-1 antibody shows detection of endogenous and transfected Cripto-1 from mouse and human sources. The Cripto-1 band appears above the 17.8 kDa marker. Endogenous detection is shown using mouse P19 embryonal carcinoma cells and human NCCIT testicular embryonal carcinoma cells. EpH4 CR-1 is a mouse mammary epithelial cell line stably expressing mouse Cripto-1. NTERA cells are human embryonal carcinoma cells that, when overgrown, differentiate and lose Cripto-1 expression. COS7 cells transfected with human Cripto-1 expression vector were used as a positive control and EpH4 WT cells were used as a negative control. A non-specific band at 45kDa may be present in some preparations. The primary antibody was used at a 1:500 dilution.
Western blot using GeneTexs affinity purified anti-Cripto-1 antibody shows detection of endogenous and transfected Cripto-1 from mouse and human sources. The Cripto-1 band appears above the 17.8 kDa marker. Endogenous detection is shown using mouse P19 embryonal carcinoma cells and human NCCIT testicular embryonal carcinoma cells. EpH4 CR-1 is a mouse mammary epithelial cell line stably expressing mouse Cripto-1. NTERA cells are human embryonal carcinoma cells that, when overgrown, differentiate and lose Cripto-1 expression. COS7 cells transfected with human Cripto-1 expression vector were used as a positive control and EpH4 WT cells were used as a negative control. A non-specific band at 45kDa may be present in some preparations. The primary antibody was used at a 1:500 dilution.
Western blot using GeneTexs affinity purified anti-Cripto-1 antibody shows detection of endogenous and transfected Cripto-1 from mouse and human sources. The Cripto-1 band appears above the 17.8 kDa marker. Endogenous detection is shown using mouse P19 embryonal carcinoma cells and human NCCIT testicular embryonal carcinoma cells. EpH4 CR-1 is a mouse mammary epithelial cell line stably expressing mouse Cripto-1. NTERA cells are human embryonal carcinoma cells that, when overgrown, differentiate and lose Cripto-1 expression. COS7 cells transfected with human Cripto-1 expression vector were used as a positive control and EpH4 WT cells were used as a negative control. A non-specific band at 45kDa may be present in some preparations. The primary antibody was used at a 1:500 dilution.

Cripto antibody

Research Use Only
ApplicationsWestern Blot, ELISA, ImmunoHistoChemistry
Product group Antibodies
Price on request
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  • Supplier
  • Product Name
    Cripto antibody
  • Delivery Days Customer
  • Applications
    Western Blot, ELISA, ImmunoHistoChemistry
  • Certification
    Research Use Only
  • Clonality
  • Concentration
    0.97 mg/ml
  • Conjugate
  • Gene ID6997
  • Target name
  • Target description
    teratocarcinoma-derived growth factor 1
  • Target synonyms
    CR; CR-1; CRGF; CRIPTO; cripto-1 growth factor; epidermal growth factor-like cripto protein CR1; teratocarcinoma-derived growth factor 1
  • Host
  • Isotype
  • Scientific Description
    Human Cripto-1 (CR-1), also known as Teratocarcinoma-derived growth factor 1 (TDGF1), is a member of the epidermal growth factor (EGF)-GFC family and has been implicated in both embryogenesis and carcinogenesis. During early vertebrate development, CR-1 functions as a co-receptor for Nodal, a transforming growth factor b (TGFb) family member, and is essential for mesoderm and endoderm formation and anterior-posterior and left-right axis establishment. In adult tissues, CR-1 is expressed at a low level in all stages of mammary gland development, and expression increases during pregnancy and lactation. Over-expression of CR-1 in mouse mammary epithelial cells leads to their transformation in vitro, and when injected in mammary glands, CR-1 produces ductal hyperplasias.
  • Reactivity
  • Storage Instruction
    2°C to 8°C,-20°C or -80°C