
CytoSelect MTT Cell Proliferation Assay

Research Use Only
Cell Biolabs
Product group Assays
Price on request
960 assays
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  • Supplier
    Cell Biolabs
  • Product Name
    CytoSelect MTT Cell Proliferation Assay
  • Delivery Days Customer
  • Assay Detection Range
  • Category Supplier
  • Certification
    Research Use Only
  • Scientific Description
    Cell Biolabs’ CytoSelect MTT Cell Proliferation Assay provides a colorimetric format for measuring and monitoring cell proliferation.  The kit contains sufficient reagents for the evaluation of 960 assays in 96-well plates or 192 assays in 24-well plates.  Cells can be plated and then treated with compounds or agents that affect proliferation.  Cells are then detected with the proliferation reagent, which is converted in live cells from the yellow tetrazole MTT to the purple formazan form by a cellular reductase (Figure 1).  An increase in cell proliferation is accompanied by an increased signal, while a decrease in cell proliferation (and signal) can indicate the toxic effects of compounds or suboptimal culture conditions.  The assay principles are basic and can be applied to most eukaryotic cell lines, including adherent and non-adherent cells and certain tissues.  This cell proliferation reagent can be used to detect proliferation in bacteria, yeast, fungi, protozoa as well as cultured mammalian and piscine cells.
  • Storage Instruction
    The MTT Cell Proliferation Assay Reagent is a clear yellow ready-to-use solution, and it should be stored at -20°C protected from light. Store the Detergent Solution at room temperature. If precipitate or turbidity is observed in the Detergent Solution, warm the solution to 37°C for 10–20 minutes and agitate to dissolve the precipitate prior to use.