ProductsBack/ELISA / EIAELISA / EIA1441 to 1452 of 78.823 productsSort byBest MatchBest MatchName: A to ZName: Z to AScientific ReferenceProduct group AssaysMouse Dickkopf 3 Homolog (Xenopus Laevis) (DKK3) ELISA KitABX350519SizePriceProduct group AssaysMouse Presenilin 1 / PS1 (PSEN1) ELISA KitABX350520SizePriceProduct group AssaysMouse Scavenger receptor class B member 1 (SCARB1) ELISA KitABX350522SizePriceProduct group AssaysChicken Albumin (ALB) ELISA KitABX350538SizePriceProduct group AssaysHuman Eotaxin (CCL11) ELISA KitABX350546SizePriceProduct group AssaysHuman B-Cell Lymphoma/Leukaemia 11A (BCL11A) ELISA KitABX350581SizePriceProduct group AssaysHuman RAC-Alpha Serine/Threonine-Protein Kinase (AKT1) ELISA KitABX350602SizePriceProduct group AssaysHuman Hyaluronidase (HAase) ELISA KitABX350613SizePriceProduct group AssaysHuman Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) ELISA KitABX350628SizePriceProduct group AssaysHuman Actinin Alpha 3 (ACTN3) ELISA KitABX350632SizePriceProduct group AssaysHuman Membrane Attack Complex C5b-9 (C5b-9) ELISA KitABX350654SizePriceProduct group AssaysProstaglandin D2 (PGD2) ELISA KitABX350721SizePrice119120121122123Didn't find what you were looking for?Search through our product groups to find the right productBack to overviewAntibodiesChemicalsProteins / Signaling MoleculesAssaysDNA / RNA / VectorsCell CultureGenome Editing and EngineeringMolecular BiologyLysates / ExtractsExpressionLabware / AccesoriesBody ProductsTechnique Specific ProductsArrays / SlidesPromotions