
HCoV-229E Spike/S1 (APT69883, HEK293, His)

Research Use Only
MedChem Express
Product group Proteins / Signaling Molecules
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  • Supplier
    MedChem Express
  • Product Name
    HCoV-229E Spike/S1 (APT69883, HEK293, His)
  • Delivery Days Customer
  • Certification
    Research Use Only
  • Scientific Description
    Coronaviruses (CoVs) are enveloped, positive-sense, single-stranded RNA viruses with the largest genomes known among RNA viruses. The CoVs S-protein mediates receptor binding and fusion of the viral and host cell membranes. HCoV-229E is an alpha-coronaviruse that uses different host proteins as receptors.In HCoV-229E, its receptor binding domain (RBD) shows extensive sequence variation. HCoV-229E exploits trypsin, cathepsin L and TMPRSS2 to complete the fusion activation mediated by the S protein[1][2]. HCoV-229E Spike/S1 Protein (APT69883, HEK293, His) is the recombinant Virus-derived HCoV-229E Spike/S1 protein, expressed by HEK293 , with C-His labeled tag. The total length of HCoV-229E Spike/S1 Protein (APT69883, HEK293, His) is 521 a.a., with molecular weight of ~58.3 KDa.