SDS-PAGE of GTX03561-pro human PTPN12 protein, His tag and GST tag (active).
SDS-PAGE of GTX03561-pro human PTPN12 protein, His tag and GST tag (active).
SDS-PAGE of GTX03561-pro human PTPN12 protein, His tag and GST tag (active).

Human PTPN12 protein, His tag and GST tag (active)

Research Use Only
Product group Molecular Biology
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  • Supplier
  • Product Name
    Human PTPN12 protein, His tag and GST tag (active)
  • Delivery Days Customer
  • Certification
    Research Use Only
  • Conjugate
  • Scientific Description
    The protein encoded by this gene is a member of the protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) family. PTPs are signaling molecules that regulate a variety of cellular processes including cell growth, differentiation, mitotic cycle, and oncogenic transformation. This PTP contains a C-terminal PEST motif, which serves as a protein-protein interaction domain, and may regulate protein intracellular half-life. This PTP was found to bind and dephosphorylate the product of the oncogene c-ABL and thus may play a role in oncogenesis. This PTP was also shown to interact with, and dephosphorylate, various products related to cytoskeletal structure and cell adhesion, such as p130 (Cas), CAKbeta/PTK2B, PSTPIP1, and paxillin. This suggests it has a regulatory role in controlling cell shape and mobility. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants encoding distinct isoforms. [provided by RefSeq, Oct 2008]
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