
IDE blocking peptide

Research Use Only
Product group Proteins / Signaling Molecules
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  • Supplier
  • Product Name
    IDE blocking peptide
  • Delivery Days Customer
  • Certification
    Research Use Only
  • Scientific Description
    This gene encodes a zinc metallopeptidase that degrades intracellular insulin, and thereby terminates insulins activity, as well as participating in intercellular peptide signalling by degrading diverse peptides such as glucagon, amylin, bradykinin, and kallidin. The preferential affinity of this enzyme for insulin results in insulin-mediated inhibition of the degradation of other peptides such as beta-amyloid. Deficiencies in this proteins function are associated with Alzheimers disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus but mutations in this gene have not been shown to be causitive for these diseases. This protein localizes primarily to the cytoplasm but in some cell types localizes to the extracellular space, cell membrane, peroxisome, and mitochondrion. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants encoding distinct isoforms. Additional transcript variants have been described but have not been experimentally verified.[provided by RefSeq, Sep 2009]
  • Storage Instruction
    2°C to 8°C,-20°C or -80°C