iLite® CD20 (+) Svar Luc

iLite® CD20 (+) Svar Luc

Research Use Only
Svar Life Science
Product group Assays
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  • Supplier
    Svar Life Science
  • Product Name
    iLite® CD20 (+) Svar Luc
  • Delivery Days Customer
  • Category Supplier
    Assay Ready Cells
  • Certification
    Research Use Only
  • Scientific Description
    The iLite® CD20 (+) Svar Luc Assay Ready Cells are used for studies of complement-dependent cytotoxicity in test samples, including human serum, to investigate the activity of complement-dependent cytotoxicity in different samples. The cells can also be used to assess the efficiency and screening of antibodies of interest in the development of therapeutic antibodies. Moreover, cells can be utilized to quantify the inhibition of complement-dependent cytotoxicity activity. iLite® CD20 (+) Svar Luc Assay Ready Cells are human B lymphocyte Ramos cells (ATCC #CRL-1596) that have been genetically engineered to express Svar luciferase constitutively.