
Insulin (mouse, rat) ELISA kit

Research Use Only
Bertin Bioreagent
Product group Assays
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  • Supplier
    Bertin Bioreagent
  • Product Name
    Insulin (mouse, rat) ELISA kit
  • Delivery Days Customer
  • Applications
  • Assay Detection Range
    0.08-10 ng/mL
  • Assay Specificity
    Rat Insulin: 100%|Hamster Insulin: 100%|Human Insulin: 100%|Mouse Insulin: 100%|Porcine Insulin: 100%|Sheep Insulin: 100%
  • Category Supplier
    Assay Kits
  • Certification
    Research Use Only
  • Scientific Description
    Insulin (mouse, rat) ELISA kit
  • Shelf life instruction
    Store at -20degrees; shelf life 3 years maximum after production
  • Storage Instruction


  • PRODUCT EXPLANATION: ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE MARKER IN ENZYME-IMMUNOASSAYS|Grassi J., Pradelles P. Compounds labelled by the acetylcholinesterase of Electrophorus Electricus. Its preparation process and its use as a tracer or marquer in enzymo-immunological determinations. United States patent, N° 1,047,330. September 10, 1991|Grassi J., Pradelles P. The use of Acetylcholinesterase as a Universal marker in Enzyme-Immunoassays. Proceedings of the Third International Meeting on Cholinesterases, American Chemical Society (1991)|Pradelles P., Grassi J., Maclouf J. Enzyme Immunoassays of Eicosanoids Using Acetylcholinesterase. Methods in Enzymology (1990), vol. 187, 24-34|PRODUCT EXPLANATION: INSULIN|Wilcox G. Insulin and Insulin Resistance. Clin Biochem Rev Vol 26 May 2005|PRODUCT EXPLANATION: KIT DEVELOPMENT|Valentin MA, Ma S, Zhao A, Legay F, Avrameas A. Validation of immunoassay for protein biomarkers: Bioanalytical study plan implementation to support pre-clinical and clinical studies. J Pharm Biomed Anal. (2011) 55(5): 869-877|European Medicines Agency. Guideline on bioanalytical method validation, 21 July 2011|CITATIONS OF SPI-BIO INSULIN KIT|Mashmoul M, Azlan A, Mohtarrudin N et al. Saffron Extract and Crocin Reduced Biomarkers Associated with Obesity in Rats Fed a High-Fat Diet. Mal J Nutr 23(1): 117 - 127, 2017|Brajkovic S, Ferdaoussi M, Pawlowski V et al. Islet Brain 1 Protects Insulin Producing Cells against Lipotoxicity. J Diabetes Res. 2016;2016:9158562|El-Seweidy MM, El-Sayed Asker M, Atteia HH, Hegazy SMS. Atorvastatin and Fenofibrate Modulate Certain Steroidal Hormones, Vitamin D and Bile Acids in Diabetic Dyslipidemic Rats. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2015; 7(6): 426-434|Tallino S, Duffy M, Ralle M et al. Nutrigenomics analysis reveals that copper deficiency and dietary sucrose up-regulate inflammation, fibrosis and lipogenic pathways in a mature rat model of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. J Nutr Biochem. 2015 Oct;26(10):996-1006|Ammar HI, Sequiera GL, Nashed MB et al. Comparison of adipose tissue- and bone marrow- derived mesenchymal stem cells for alleviating doxorubicin-induced cardiac dysfunction in diabetic rats. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2015 Aug 22;6:148|Vella RE, Pillon NJ, Zarrouki B et al. Ozone exposure triggers insulin resistance through muscle c-Jun N-terminal kinase activation. Diabetes. 2015 Mar;64(3):1011-24|Hadji L, Berger E, Soula H et al. White adipose tissue resilience to insulin deprivation and replacement. PLoS One. 2014 Aug 29;9(8):e106214|Wong TW, Sumiran N, Mokhtar MT, Kadir A. Blood glucose lowering property of water in oral insulin-fed diabetic rats. Pharm Biol. 2012 Nov;50(11):1463-6|Ibrahim MA, Ibrahim SA, Amin EF et al. Selective versus non selective cyclooxygenase inhibitors in high fructose-induced metabolic Syndrome. Egyptian Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, December 2012, Vol. 2, No.2: 37: 34|Baquié M, St-Onge L, Kerr-Conte J et al. The liver receptor homolog-1 (LRH-1) is expressed in human islets and protects b-cells against stress-induced apoptosis. Human Molecular Genetics, 2011, Vol. 20, No. 14 : 2823–2833

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