
Molecular Biology

This product group contains products related to molecular biology, genetics and biochemistry techniques. Our products can be used to characterize, isolate and manipulate the molecular components, such as DNA, RNA and proteins of cells and organisms. Products include DNA, RNA and protein extraction kits and purification beads, columns, standard and real-time PCR master mixes and polymerases, cDNA synthesis enzymes and kits, primers, probes and oligos, restriction and modifying enzymes, mutagenesis kits. It also contains cloning tools that include competent cells and cloning kits. In addition, DNA/RNA/protein labeling and transfection tools belong to this category.

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20S Immunoproteasome vs. 20S Constitutive Proteasome Activity: 20S immunoproteasome is most active against Suc-LLVY-AMC (SBB-PS0010), Ac-PAL-AMC (SBB-PS0007), and Ac-ANW-AMC (SBB-PS0009) substrates, representing physiologically relevant chymotrypsin-like, beta1i, and beta5i immunoproteasome activity respectively.
Product group Molecular Biology
South Bay Bio
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