% Signal to Background of Continuous Real-Time TR-FRET Parkin titration (autoubiquitination): Serial dilutions of Parkin W403A from 50nM to 3.125nM and 300nM wt Parkin were mixed with UBA1, UBE2D3 and trf-Ub (pS65) mix. Reactions were initiated wit
% Signal to Background of Continuous Real-Time TR-FRET Parkin titration (autoubiquitination): Serial dilutions of Parkin W403A from 50nM to 3.125nM and 300nM wt Parkin were mixed with UBA1, UBE2D3 and trf-Ub (pS65) mix. Reactions were initiated wit
% Signal to Background of Continuous Real-Time TR-FRET Parkin titration (autoubiquitination): Serial dilutions of Parkin W403A from 50nM to 3.125nM and 300nM wt Parkin were mixed with UBA1, UBE2D3 and trf-Ub (pS65) mix. Reactions were initiated wit

Nedd4 E3 Ligase TR-FRET Kit

Research Use Only
South Bay Bio
Product group Chemicals
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  • Supplier
    South Bay Bio
  • Product Name
    Nedd4 E3 Ligase TR-FRET Kit
  • Delivery Days Customer
  • Certification
    Research Use Only
  • Scientific Description
    South Bay Bios NEDD4 E3 Ligase TR-FRET Kit provides a fast and sensitive method monitoring ubiquitin conjugation onto NEDD4 in solution, resulting from an enzymatic ubiquitin cascade without the need of running and staining an SDS gel. The kit enables continuous TR-FRET detection of ubiquitin chain formation onto NEDD4 in a real-time detection setup, or in an end-point configuration if desired. TR-FRET uses the extended fluorescence emission decay lifetimes typical of rare-earth lanthanides to impart a short time-delay between FRET donor excitation and emission. This delay provides a means to separate true signal from short-lived background fluorescence, and reduce interference from compound fluorescence and other assay artifacts. - South Bay Bios NEDD4 E3 Ligase TR-FRET Kit provides a fast and sensitive method monitoring ubiquitin conjugation onto NEDD4 in solution, resulting from an enzymatic ubiquitin cascade without the need of running and staining an SDS gel. The kit enables continuous TR-FRET detection of ubiquitin chain formation onto NEDD4 in a real-time detection setup, or in an end-point configuration if desired. TR-FRET uses the extended fluorescence emission decay lifetimes typical of rare-earth lanthanides to impart a short time-delay between FRET donor excitation and emission. This delay provides a means to separate true signal from short-lived background fluorescence, and reduce interference from compound fluorescence and other assay artifacts.
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