Neural Stem Cell Media & Reagent Bundle - Enriched Cortical Neuron Differentiation

Neural Stem Cell Media & Reagent Bundle - Enriched Cortical Neuron Differentiation

Research Use Only
Axol Bioscience
Product group (Cell) Culture
€ 1.574,00
1 kit
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  • Supplier
    Axol Bioscience
  • Product Name
    Neural Stem Cell Media & Reagent Bundle - Enriched Cortical Neuron Differentiation
  • Delivery Days Customer
  • Category Supplier
  • Certification
    Research Use Only
  • Scientific Description
    axoCells Neural Maintenance Media (500ml), NeurOne supplements A (1 ml) and B (1 ml) and SureBond-XF coating (1 ml), optimized for maturation of cortical neurons for neuroscience research. Suitable for use with axoCells Cortical Neurons and Inhibitory Interneurons.The neurOne supplement is engineered to work alongside axoCells Neural Stem Cells (NSCs; ax0015, ax0016, ax0018, ax0111, ax0112, ax0113, ax0114, ax0211, ax0411), to derive cortical excitatory neurons which are derived from integration-free, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) under fully defined neural induction conditions.Within 21 days the cortical neurons display typical morphology and express such markers as TBR1 Beta3 Tubulin throughout. The Neur0ne supplement is designed to derive pure cortical neuronal cultures, hence the cultures are also show negative expression of GFAP (Glial Marker) , KI67 (Cell proliferation), Sox 2 (Pluripotency) and Pax 6The neurOne supplement comes conveniently frozen as a 1ml aliquot for supplement A and B which is sufficient to treat a 96-well plate for the required time.