Chemical Structure
Chemical Structure
Chemical Structure

Nocardamine [26605-16-3]

Research Use Only
AdipoGen Life Sciences
CAS Number26605-16-3
Product group Chemicals
Estimated Purity>95%
Molecular Weight600.7
Price on request
Packing Size
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  • Supplier
    AdipoGen Life Sciences
  • Product Name
    Nocardamine [26605-16-3]
  • Delivery Days Customer
  • CAS Number
  • Certification
    Research Use Only
  • Estimated Purity
  • Molecular Formula
  • Molecular Weight
  • Scientific Description
    Antibiotic [1, 6]. Anti-mycobacterial [7]. Siderophore (iron (Fe) chelating compound) [5, 8]. Inducer of morphological changes in insect cells [3]. Antioxidant [4]. Anticancer compound [2, 8]. - Chemical. CAS: 26605-16-3. Formula: C27H48N6O9. MW: 600.7. Isolated from Streptomyces sp. K04-0144. Antibiotic. Anti-mycobacterial. Siderophore (iron (Fe) chelating compound). Inducer of morphological changes in insect cells. Antioxidant. Anticancer compound.
  • Storage Instruction
    2°C to 8°C,-20°C


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  • Neuroblastoma sensitivity to growth inhibition by deferrioxamine: evidence for a block in G1 phase of the cell cycle: C. Brodie, et al.; Cancer Res. 53, 3968 (1993)
  • Morphological changes in insect BM-N4 cells induced by nocardamine: K. Matsubara, et al.; Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 62, 2049 (1998)
  • Antioxidant properties of desferrioxamine E, a new hydroxamate antioxidant: E. Shimoni, et al.; J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 75, 1453 (1998)
  • A widely distributed bacterial pathway for siderophore biosynthesis independent of nonribosomal peptide synthetases: G.L. Challis; ChemBioChem 6, 601 (2005)
  • Desferrioxamine E produced by Streptomyces griseus stimulates growth and development of Streptomyces tanashiensis: K. Yamanaka, et al.; Microbiology 151, 2899 (2005)
  • Cyclic peptides of the nocardamine class from a marine-derived bacterium of the genus Streptomyces: H.S. Lee, et al.; J. Nat. Prod. 68, 623 (2005)
  • Marine isolate Citricoccus sp. KMM 3890 as a source of a cyclic siderophore nocardamine with antitumor activity: N.I. Kalinovskaya, et al.; Microbiol. Res. 166, 654 (2011)