Notch1/CSL Reporter Kit (Notch Signaling Pathway)

Notch1/CSL Reporter Kit (Notch Signaling Pathway)

Research Use Only
BPS Bioscience
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  • Supplier
    BPS Bioscience
  • Product Name
    Notch1/CSL Reporter Kit (Notch Signaling Pathway)
  • Delivery Days Customer
  • Certification
    Research Use Only
  • Scientific Description
    The Notch Pathway Reporter kit is designed for monitoring the activity of Notch signaling pathway in the cultured cells. The kit contains the transfection-ready expression vector for Notch1 with the entire extracellular domain deleted (Notch1DE). Inside the cells, the Notch1DE can be cleaved by -secretase and active Notch1 NICD is released to nucleus. The kit also contains a CSL (CBF1/RBP-J) luciferase reporter vector, which is a Notch pathway-responsive reporter. This reporter contains a firefly luciferase gene under the control of multimerized CSL responsive element upstream of a minimal promoter. The CSL (CBF1/RBP-J) reporter is premixed with constitutively expressing Renilla (sea pansy) luciferase vector, which serves as an internal positive control for transfection efficiency. The kit also includes a non-inducible firefly luciferase vector premixed with constitutivelyexpressing Renilla luciferase vector as a negative control. The non-inducible luciferase vector contains a firefly luciferase gene under the control of a minimal promoter, but without any additional response elements. The negative control is critical for determining pathway specific effects and background luciferase activity.
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