Product group Chemicals
- SupplierCosmo Bio USA
- Product NamePOLARIC PLT-500c6
- Delivery Days Customer16
- CertificationResearch Use Only
- Scientific DescriptionSolvatochromic Fluorophore for living cells POLARIC is fluorescence Solvatochromic Dye and changes the fluorescence wavelength according to polarity (hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity) of solvent. The fluorescent wavelength of POLARIC™ changes widely with about 520-700 nm inthe exciting light of about 500 nm. Feature and Advantages: 1. Extremely low cytotoxicity 2. Minimum cell damage by excitation wavelengths around 460 - 520 nm. 3. Fade-resistant fluorescence 4. Dramatically changes the emission spectra depending on hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity of the microenvironment of cell organelles Protocol: 1. Resolve the red dye pellet with 3 ul of ethanol, and transfer dye solution into 10 ml of medium (staining solution). Staining solution could storedat 4°Cfor 2 weeks, protection from light. 2. Culture the cells onto glass bottom dish (nonluminecent glass). 3. Remove the culture medium from the culture dish, rinse with PBS and add the same volume of prewarmed staining solution. 4. Incubatethecells under 5% CO$$2$$$, at 37°C condition for 10 min - 2 hrs. Staining condition should be optimized for your cell. 5. Wash the cell culture 3 times with culture medium after staining process. 6. View the stained cells using a fluorescence microscope atEx 460 nm - 520 nm and Em 520 nm - 700 nm .
- UNSPSC12352200