PROTAC(r) Optimization Kit for BRD9-Cereblon Binding

PROTAC(r) Optimization Kit for BRD9-Cereblon Binding

Research Use Only
BPS Bioscience
Product group Assays
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  • Supplier
    BPS Bioscience
  • Product Name
    PROTAC(r) Optimization Kit for BRD9-Cereblon Binding
  • Delivery Days Customer
  • Certification
    Research Use Only
  • Scientific Description
    The PROTAC Optimization Kit for BRD9-Cereblon Binding is designed for the testing and profiling of PROTACs directed against BRD9 and Cereblon (CRBN). The BRD9 inhibitor BI-7273 is included as a control inhibitor of PROTAC binding to BRD9. With this kit, three simple steps are required for the measurement of PROTAC activity. First, the PROTAC of interest is incubated with CRBN and BRD9. Next, acceptor beads are added, then donor beads, followed by reading of the Alpha-counts. Illustration of the assay principle: a PROTAC of interest or positive control dBRD9 (PROTAC) interacts with both BRD9 and CRBN, bringing them in close proximity. BRD9 contains a GST tag, recognized by the GSH donor bead, while CRBN contains a FLAG tag that binds to the AlphaLISA™ acceptor bead conjugated with an anti-FLAG antibody. Upon excitation of the donor bead a singlet oxygen is generated by the donor bead, which excites the acceptor bead and emits light proportionally to the level of interaction. AlphaLISA™ immunoassays are a no-wash alternative to ELISA immunoassays. These assays are robust and ideal for a minimal hands-on approach.
  • Storage Instruction
    See manual