
ROR1, Mouse (HEK293, His)

Research Use Only
MedChem Express
Protein IDQ9Z139
Product group Proteins / Signaling Molecules
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  • Supplier
    MedChem Express
  • Product Name
    ROR1, Mouse (HEK293, His)
  • Delivery Days Customer
  • Certification
    Research Use Only
  • Protein IDQ9Z139
  • Protein Name
    Inactive tyrosine-protein kinase transmembrane receptor ROR1
  • Scientific Description
    ROR1 protein shows minimal kinase activity in vitro, indicating an improbable role as a tyrosine kinase in vivo.It functions as a receptor for WNT5A, activating NFkB signaling and potentially inhibiting WNT3A signaling.Additionally, ROR1 plays a vital role in the inner ear, aiding the innervation of auditory hair cells by spiral ganglion neurons.ROR1 Protein, Mouse (HEK293, His) is the recombinant mouse-derived ROR1 protein, expressed by HEK293 , with C-His labeled tag.