
SCRIPT Direct RT-qPCR SybrMaster highROX, Robust real-time RT-PCR master mix with SYBR Green and ROX, for highly sensitive and specific amplification directly from tissue, swabs or blood

Research Use Only
Jena Bioscience
Product group Molecular Biology
2 x 1.25 ml
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  • Supplier
    Jena Bioscience
  • Product Name
    SCRIPT Direct RT-qPCR SybrMaster highROX, Robust real-time RT-PCR master mix with SYBR Green and ROX, for highly sensitive and specific amplification directly from tissue, swabs or blood
  • Delivery Days Customer
  • Certification
    Research Use Only
  • Scientific Description
    SCRIPT Direct RT-qPCR SybrMaster highROX is designed for quantitative real-time analysis of target RNA directly from animal- or plant tissue, swabs and blood. The mix allows robust amplification avoiding the requirement of any prior RNA purification procedures. The mix contains SYBR® Green Fluorescent DNA Stain. It allows fast and easy quantification of sample RNA over a wide dynamic range with exceptional sensitivity and precision. The mix contains all reagents required for RT-qPCR (except template and primers) in a premixed 2 x concentrated ready-to-use solution. High robustness, reliability and sensitivity of the mix are based on a genetically engineered reverse transcriptase and an antibody-blocked hot start polymerase in combination with an optimized and well-balanced buffer system. The mix ensures fast and easy preparation with a minimum of pipetting steps and is specially recommended for: Direct amplification of target RNA from various tissues samplesDirect detection of viral or bacterial RNA in nasal or throat swabsDirect PCR from whole samplesPoint-of-Care diagnostics. SYBR® Green Fluorescent DNA Stain SYBR® Green Fluorescent DNA Stain is a superior DNA intercalator dye specially developed for DNA analysis applications including real-time PCR (qPCR). Upon binding to DNA, the non-fluorescent dye becomes highly fluorescent while showing no detectable inhibition to the PCR process. The dye is extremely stable, providing convenience during routine handling. SYBR® Green is in contrast to EvaGreen® not recommended for high-resolution melting curve analysis (HRM). To perform the SYBR® Green-based assay simply select the optical setting for SYBR® Green on the detection instrument. ROX Reference Dye The SCRIPT Direct RT-qPCR SybrMaster highROX contains 500 nM ROX passive reference dye in the final assay. The dye does not take part in the PCR reaction but allows to normalize for non-PCR related signal variations in instruments that are compatible with the evaluation of the ROX reference signal.
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