
Search results: agarose bead

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Product group Chemicals
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Product group Antibodies
ApplicationsImmunoPrecipitation, Purification/Extraction/Isolation
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Product group Antibodies
ApplicationsImmunoPrecipitation, Purification/Extraction/Isolation
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Product group Antibodies
ApplicationsImmunoPrecipitation, Purification/Extraction/Isolation
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Product group Antibodies
ApplicationsImmunoPrecipitation, Purification/Extraction/Isolation
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Immunoprecipitation was performed with HEK293T cell lysates of expressing Entry vector (control, Cat# PS100001) or expressing DDK-tagged PON3 (Cat# LY400339). Anti-DDK 4C5-agarose beads were incubated with control lysate or LY400339 overnight at 4°C. After washing three times with lysate buffer, 20uL 4x SDS sample buffer was applied. The samples were boiled at 95°C for 10min. The supernatant was loaded to the SDS-PAGE gel after discarded the beads by centrifuging. After transferring to the membrane, the Western blot assay was applied with HRP-conjugated anti-DDK antibody (Cat# TA150030). Lane 1: control lysate; Lane 2: DDK-tagged PON3 (LY400339); Lane 3: anti-DDK 4C5 agarose beads (TA150037) 50uL with control lysate; Lane 4: anti-DDK 4C5 agarose beads (TA150037) 50uL with LY400339.
Product group Antibodies
ApplicationsImmunoPrecipitation, Purification/Extraction/Isolation
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Immunoprecipitation was performed with HEK293T cell lysates of expressing Entry vector (control, Cat# PS100001) or expressing DDK-tagged PON3 (Cat# LY400339). Anti-DDK 4C5-agarose beads were incubated with control lysate or LY400339 overnight at 4°C. After washing three times with lysate buffer, 20uL 4x SDS sample buffer was applied. The samples were boiled at 95°C for 10min. The supernatant was loaded to the SDS-PAGE gel after discarded the beads by centrifuging. After transferring to the membrane, the Western blot assay was applied with HRP-conjugated anti-DDK antibody (Cat# TA150030). Lane 1: control lysate; Lane 2: DDK-tagged PON3 (LY400339); Lane 3: anti-DDK 4C5 agarose beads (TA150037) 50uL with control lysate; Lane 4: anti-DDK 4C5 agarose beads (TA150037) 50uL with LY400339.
Product group Antibodies
ApplicationsImmunoPrecipitation, Purification/Extraction/Isolation
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Product group Molecular Biology
MP Biomedicals (Life Sciences)
Product group Molecular Biology
MP Biomedicals (Life Sciences)
Product group Chemicals
Agarose NrAgarose Nr.3
Product group Chemicals
Product group Antibodies
LifeSpan BioSciences
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