
Training kit

Research Use Only
Bertin Bioreagent
Product group Assays
€ 245,00
2 x96 wells
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  • Supplier
    Bertin Bioreagent
  • Product Name
    Training kit
  • Delivery Days Customer
  • Category Supplier
    Assay Kits
  • Certification
    Research Use Only
  • Scientific Description
    ELISA Training Kit
  • Shelf life instruction
    Store at multiT° RT/+4degrees; shelf life 3 years maximum after production
  • Storage Instruction


  • PRODUCT EXPLANATION: ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE MARKER IN ENZYME-IMMUNOASSAYS|Grassi J., Pradelles P. Compounds labelled by the acetylcholinesterase of Electrophorus Electricus. Its preparation process and its use as a tracer or marquer in enzymo-immunological determinations. United States patent, N° 1,047,330. September 10, 1991|Grassi J., Pradelles P. The use of Acetylcholinesterase as a Universal marker in Enzyme-Immunoassays. Proceedings of the Third International Meeting on Cholinesterases, American Chemical Society (1991)|Pradelles P., Grassi J., Maclouf J. Enzyme Immunoassays of Eicosanoids Using Acetylcholinesterase. Methods in Enzymology (1990), vol. 187, 24-34|PRODUCT EXPLANATION: TRAINING KIT DEVELOPMENT|Negroni L, Bernard H, Clement G, Chatel J.M, Brune P, Frobert Y, Wal J.M, Grassi J. Two-site enzyme immunometric assays for determination of native and denatured β-lactoglobulin. Journal of Immunological Methods 200 (1998), 25-37|Venien A, Levieux D, Astier C., Briand L, Chobert JM, Haertle T. Production and Epitopic Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies Against Bovine β-Lactoglobulin. Dairy Sci (1997), 80:1977-1987