

In our assay product group, you will find many ELISAs, ELISPOTs, protein detection assays, assays for flow cytometry, screening kits and cell based assays including migration, viability, reporter, proliferation, apoptosis, oxidation and toxicity kits. Components for your own assay, such as substrates, tracers, and standards/controls, are also categorized within this group.

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13 to 24 of 31 products
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Product group Assays
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Inhibition analysis of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) spike neutralizing control antibody using SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Spike-ACE2 Binding / Neutralization Assay Kit (GTX536401).
Product group Assays
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Detection of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) membrane protein in a transfected HEK293T cell FFPE Cell Pellet Block (GTX435640) section using the SARS-CoV-2 Membrane Protein Proximity Ligation Assay Kit (Cy3) (GTX537371-23). PLA signals appear yellow and nuclei are blue. A) Positive PLA reaction in transfected HEK293T cells. B) Negative control with mock-transfected HEK293T cells. C) Negative control using one non-specific PLA antibody probe in transfected HEK293T cells.
Product group Assays
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Product group Assays
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Product group Assays
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IHC-P analysis of human tonsil tissue using high Cytokeratin H.M.W antibody with GTX03600 Mono AEC/Plus.
Product group Assays
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IHC-P analysis of human squamous cell carcinoma using GTX17133 Cytokeratin 5 + 6 antibody [D5/16 B4] with GTX03601 PermaRed/AP-AutoPlus.
Product group Assays
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IHC-P analysis of human tonsil tissue using Ki67 antibody with GTX03615 Blue Hematoxylin Kit.
Product group Assays
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Product group Assays
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