ProductsBack/BuffersBuffers49 to 60 of 972 productsSort byBest MatchBest MatchName: A to ZName: Z to AScientific ReferenceBis-TrisA57373SizePriceIn Situ hybridization buffer for HPV probesSC-471857SizePriceSulfide Antioxidant Buffer Kitsc-506220SizePriceIn situ hybridization buffer (1.25X concentrate)sc-506502SizePriceWash buffer salts (3 packs)SC-507094SizePriceMMP-1 Assay BufferSC-507157SizePriceUltraCruz(r) Blocking ReagentSC-516214SizePricePhosphate Buffered Saline: 1 L of 1XSC-362182SizePricePhosphate Buffered Saline: 1 L of 20XSC-362183SizePriceTris Buffered Saline: 1 L of 1Xsc-362185SizePriceTris Buffered Saline: 1 L of 20XSC-362186SizePriceTris Buffered Saline with Tween 20: 1 L of 1XSC-362187SizePrice34567Didn't find what you were looking for?Search through our product groups to find the right productBack to overviewAntibodiesChemicalsProteins / Signaling MoleculesAssaysDNA / RNA / VectorsCell CultureGenome Editing and EngineeringMolecular BiologyLysates / ExtractsExpressionLabware / AccesoriesBody ProductsTechnique Specific ProductsArrays / SlidesPromotions