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553 to 564 of 1.741 products
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Product group Proteins / Signaling Molecules
AdipoGen Life Sciences
Protein IDQ00724
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Product group Proteins / Signaling Molecules
AdipoGen Life Sciences
Protein IDP10909
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Product group Proteins / Signaling Molecules
AdipoGen Life Sciences
Protein IDP04916
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After denaturation of recombinant secretory clusterin in the presense of beta-mercaptoethanol followed by boiling, two distinct bands, 60kDa and 35kDa, were seperated on SDS-PAGE. The two bands were extracted and subjected to determination of their N-te
Product group Proteins / Signaling Molecules
AdipoGen Life Sciences
Protein IDP10909
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Activation of a human ST2-dependent NF-kappaB pathway. HEK-293 cells were transiently co-transfected with 500 ng of human ST2-containing vector (or empty vector as a negative control), a vector containing NF-kappaB-driven firefly luciferase, and
Product group Proteins / Signaling Molecules
AdipoGen Life Sciences
Protein IDQ2YEJ4
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Product group Proteins / Signaling Molecules
AdipoGen Life Sciences
Protein IDQ99KQ4
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Product group Proteins / Signaling Molecules
AdipoGen Life Sciences
Protein IDQ549A5
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Product group Proteins / Signaling Molecules
AdipoGen Life Sciences
Protein IDQ80Z29
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Specific interaction of human ST2 (Prod. No. AG-40A-0059) with recombinant human IL-33. An indirect competitive ELISA was performed as follows; 1) coat microtiter plate wells with hST2-Fc (10microg/ml); 2) add a varying concentrations of hIL-33 with
Product group Proteins / Signaling Molecules
AdipoGen Life Sciences
Protein IDQ01638
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ERK phosphorylation induced by hANGPTL7 in THP-1 cells. THP-1 monocyte cells were serum starved for 16hr and then stimulated with ANGPTL7 (human) (rec.) (Prod. No. AG-40A-0060) (500ng/ml) for 1, 2 and 3 hrs, respectively. Antibodies against pERK1/2
Product group Proteins / Signaling Molecules
AdipoGen Life Sciences
Protein IDO43827
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Product group Proteins / Signaling Molecules
AdipoGen Life Sciences
Protein IDQ8IW75
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Progranulin (human) (rec.)
Product group Proteins / Signaling Molecules
AdipoGen Life Sciences
Protein IDP28799
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